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Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Writer's Invitation

Knowledge is Power....

Please Check Out My Writings on Helium. User name:ethosart

I'd like to invite anyone who may enjoy reading my blogs to join me at the above link on Helium, where much of my writing's were initially only submitted as a playful hobbyist, or as a test to niche my skills. Much of what I've learned on has given me a clearer perspective on how my writings stack up against others.

Helium produces several categories, sub-categories, and titles spanning 100's of subjects and has a niche for any type of reader, poet, writer alike, and gives a rich atmosphere to gauge how others value your work.

Ultimately, when I first joined them, I wasn't given much thought to the whole concept, and in fact believed I'd post a few of my writings, get ridiculed as not being a very proficient writer, laughed at, or simply out-classed, and prove my initial theory true; which was I cannot possibly be a talented writer!

Amazingly, despite being self-taught, having only completed 7th grade regarding my academic explorations, to my surprise...I have written articles weighed against actually philosophy professors' and piers alike, whereby, I have ranked higher than several of the college level writers there.

I encourage anyone who possesses a passion for writing or reading to check out the Helium website.

Also, as a direct correlation to anyone who might be thinking this is in someway to boost my ego, or revenues, I will explicitly express: there is nothing I enjoy more than writing, and in all God's honesty it began as a very private practice; of which I never intended to share.

Certifiably, I haven't made but a few pennies off Helium, and even inviting writers to boost that to nickels would require me to know your email. So, believe you me, it's not about the money!

With that being said, this is in no way a paid or paying advertisement. Instead, it is a show of gratitude for all whom have welcomed me into Helium's writing community, and encouraged me to move forward with my passion, or gift as some have called it.

The blue link below is a recent article I wrote under the "Psychology" category, and in any and/or all honesty...I am blown away at the fact it currently sits at #1. Should you be of any interest in exploring my mind further, feel to visit me on Helium, my user name is: Art F. Moran, but you'll also find another account there under Art Moran containing 9 other titles, that I can no longer access, as I got snagged having lost my password, and they realized I had 2 accounts, and unknowingly breached their user agreement, (implying I was trying to make money, but wasn't)

I apologize having not updated any content here lately, as I am currently building 3 other blogs,, of which by need of more income, I am currently monetizing those sites and inviting anyone who wants to make money online, to share in the "epiphany" I had after being brutally hammered by someone badgering me for having posted a link to this blog on a forum, whereby, they too seemed to think it was a "plug" of sort, with a hidden agenda

If I am doing anything that concerns making money there are a few rules by which my conscience abides;

1.) It"s never done in an act of desperation, no matter how financially devastated I might be

2.) I will be honest as the day is long, and only seek similar company

3.) I never tell someone I can do or provide anything, unless I am able to deliver

4.) Lastly, I believe understanding, knowledge, and wisdom are the keys to success, not money.

Hence, when I say there is something huge brewing in this brain, it is sure to trump the $100k I earned consistently building swimming pools, hot tubs, waterfalls, and exquisite back-yard paradises, before losing a million twice over before the age of 33.

But... I'm only getting started folks!

In fact, much of my philosophies and psychological writings, especially found in my poetry appear to be misinterpreted as having an off-balance of good and evil, but in truth it is acknowledgement to the balance which shares a place in my writing

Stay tuned, I have yet to start advertising this blog, as it's all new to me, but what I have in my arsenal has yet to scratch the surface, and will be sure to tickle your mind, change your perception (for the better) and help direct you to your true calling as I believe God is currently infusing this writing fascination of mine.

Until next time my friends...Peace


HeliumUnderstanding the evils and dangers of group-think

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