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Friday, May 15, 2009

"Times Threshold"

(Above Picture: Salvador Dali')

Over the past 6-7 years, my immediate family (wife, and 3 kids) have been experiencing a rash of difficulties, centrally focused around humility, suffering, and loss.

I'm not going to bore you some dramatic details, or anything, don't worry!

However, we elected to believe that everything has a balance, a threshold, or a breaking point, whereby, regardless of how bad things tend to get, we feel they will balance themselves out. In fact, as with every known force in our universe there has to be a positive and a negative force to perpetuate, or fuel every living object in and amist our world.

Sadly, while trying to endure these forces, and correct upon them when we are able, there intrudes the ellusive measure of time itself. Without question, it establishes a marker to keep track, or bookmark our lives.

Incredibly, over the past 16 months now, we have consistently believed; time heals all wounds, and change, and opportunity will present itself in due time. By human nature this appeared a logical, and rational approach, in keeping our heads held high, and not fearing any more trauma to befall us, naturally.

Respectively, I am not at liberty to disclose specific events, regarding names, or the details surrounding these events as time has proven we are going to be forced to seek legal action regarding these current affairs.

Affairs mind you, that challenge the civil liberties, freedoms, and beliefs of this great nation, and effectively, if not stopped by Yours Truly could allow or enable another person, or a families lives to become disrupted in a similar fashion as that of ours, in this very moment of time.

As an honest man, and a proud American, I must admit, that whilst I am guilty having believed opportunity would present itself, and enable this rather diabolical nightmare I am living to be subsided, or reconciled, time has now proven me wrong, and demands my immediate attention.

As with anything worth fighting for, this concerns all that is sacred to me, and crosses the thresholds of my beliefs in First, in God (I TRUST), secondly, my children and immediate family, and lastly ones livelihood, as 2 of these areas have been largely disrupted by the vile actions, empty promises, and deceitful nature of 2fellow American citizens, whom we believed were respectible, honest, and well... loyal to American virtues & values.

Not everything we see, hear, or that touches us is what it appears. When I say 'touches' I mean metaphysically or spiritually, not necessarily physical touching. Be it the case here. Whilst, I am in the fight of my life, and and bits and pieces of TRUTH have surfaced revealing a much darker side to the 2 individuals currently surpressing my family, they've managed to convince us for some 16 months that their intentions are indeed unselfish and sincere.

Time reveals again, that we are dealing with a double-headed snake. A snake mind you that has cost us a far greater amount then the near $100k we've sacrificed while being led to believe we were doing the 'right' thing.

In any and or all absolution, I am gathering 'spiritual warriors' to assist me in this battle, as it's become apparent, I can not defeat this demon alone. Naturally, dependent upon one's interpretation, I am referring to these 2 people, whom in my belief are serving the opposite power I serve.

Without being to biblical, they are those types of people who will look you in the eyes, promise you the world, whilst they are stripping everything from you. Now mind you, I'm not perfect, nor have I been very angelic for a large portion of my life, but, I admit my faults, attempt to acknowledge ignorance, and correct upon it when I am able.

I actually poke fun at a similar quote in one of my ongoing manuscripts, stating; "I try not to raise Cain, when I am Abel!"

I think it speaks for itself.

However, imagine someone threatening the welfare of your children, and by the time you realized how maniacle these people were, you find yourself painted into a corner. Betterstill, imagine surrendering everything you've worked for believing it would benefit your children, while asking for nothing in return, and then being offered a job making $250k per year, Only, by the time suspicion creeps in, you've surrendered other job opportunities ranging from $35-$60k in a dyer economy, only to later realize, "these people aren't right!"

This is a mild overview of what my fiance', our 3 children, and myself have been enduring for some 16 months and counting. Our friends, and people who are aware of what's going on all have opinions, or suggestions, and yet, their suggestions lack insight, as many have said; "call the cops!"

Ironically, even if the cops could or did do something about it, it doesn't resolve the real issue, which has now financially, psychologically, and perhaps spiritually to a degree disabled us as a trusting family unit, and productive U.S. citizens..

Sure, if you read my sight you'll see...Patrick Henry's awesome display of courage and character, as well as a ton of armorment against any infraction of ignorance which is clouding our judgment as people of this great nation and beyond.

Certifiably, as I draw near the front lines, and "break my silence" to exploit, expose, and fight ignorance, in a manner which I believe is "fighting the good fight' it's become inarguable that the polar opposite rises against such efforts, and might very well explain why this is now happening to our family.

Having undergone extreme battles of similar fashion in and throughout my life, I am no stranger to suffering, and elect to believe it is love's backdoor. We open ourselves to love, and with it comes a pain like no other. I am 100% proof positive nearly everyone has experienced this, and if not for those who haven't had the pleasure, brace yourselves.

The battles I've conquered prior such as; alcoholism, drug-addiction, gambling, and some other areas whereby I followed others seeking sustainment only to find myself trapped, don't hold a candle to the current situation I find myself in.

Looking through times threshold, or hour glass, I find everything happens for a reason, and I am adament to uphold my theory that if we face the skeletons in our closets (or graveyards full in my case) we can arm ourselves with the knowledge of old, and use time to our advantage.Having been one for years to ignore the real problem, and place blame upon everything from others, Satan, and even God, I found it was less exhausting to accept fault, humility, and the embarrassment, for the strength that we can gain from such a process; is IMMEASURABLE!

In closing, I am cautiously, dealing with this issue, and intend to follow up on the outcome once I assemble God's warrior's, and obtain the spiritual guidance needed, for had I not learned from prior mistakes that you cannot defeat ignorance by beating it with a stick, the me and my old friend, Luios Ville "Slugger" would have remediated this problem months ago. However, I cannot raise my children from within a cell!

In closing, be it known, I did not write this seeking pity, nor sympathy, not at all. Instead, I want my fellow Americans to be aware that we are up against forces in this world, that no matter how caring you are, how much you love your family, your significant other, or especially your children (as is the case here) be warned, when you step-up to do the right thing, all too often the opposing forces get rattled as a result...But don't fret, good will prevail!

Be it you face it head on, and never let your past trap in performing a self-evaluation. There's a lot to be learned in facing ones fears, just don't try to run when you confront them, cause they'll only grow, and dibilitate you worse as times threshold bekons.

As is so with our freedom, it like time is of the essence...don't waste it!

As for these 2 people to whom I cannot mention, say a silent prayer for them, as once I get them shackled to man's arena "The Judicial System" their act of terrorism upon me and mine will never touch another American family, not on my watch!

If only people meant it when they say;"you watch my back, and I'll watch yours!" - Well, I do mean it, and I'll follow Satan straight to Hell to make sure he gets home safely, with the confidence of a pheonix, rises from the ashes, for my final destination is ON HIGH BABY!

Like the gentleman on the plane during 9-11, "Let's Roll People" - our lives and others are at stake. Stop turning a blind eye to ignorance, exploit it, exposeit, and bury it where the bullshit belongs, this is still America, and I'm still a cultivator, and I know; bullshit is meant to be buried, and in doing so your harvest shall prosper.

Words of wisdom? - or am I all alone out here?

Peace be with You & Yours!


Art Moran & Family (Pearson Education)

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