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Friday, May 22, 2009

William Tyndale 1st English Bible 1526

Should the Bible be continued to be used for swearing-in ceremonies and in the courtroom?
Yes…By: Art Moran

Ultimately, there may be no greater controversy in and throughout the history of mankind itself, than that of concerning ones individual beliefs surrounding the Holy Bible. For as much as I am a firm believer that the individual has every constitutional right to choose their own belief system, and a right to religious freedom, there looms an issue here that defies the principle of this debate.

In solidifying the underlying issue or principle interest of this debate; concerning the use of the Bible in America’s ceremonial procedures, and in the courts of law, there is specific historical evidence supportive of multiple individuals, facts, and events, that deserve due respect by anyone residing in the privilege America offers to us all, regardless of one’s individual beliefs.

In a brief overview of the Bible’s direct influence to America’s founding fathers, we can trace the tracks of time to learn; William Tyndale was accredited as having interpreted the world’s first English text version of the Holy Bible in 1526. For Tyndale’s efforts, he was later tried and convicted in 1535, by an act of heresy, and later strangled to death and burned at the stake.

Not unlike that of his predecessor; Martin Luther’s efforts to translate the Bible into German, and who went on to reform the foundation of Christianity, when he nailed his “95 Theses” to the Catholic’s front door, during the “Diet of Worms.”

Fortunately for Luther, he escaped the similar fate of that which Tyndale was later laid to rest.

However, Tyndale’s sufferings were not in vain, as he has now been revered as having influenced not only the formulation of America through the circulation of his written efforts in The New Testament, but more importantly, has been noted as having contributed a standing 83% of the King James Bibles still in print, and in circulation today.

Furthermore, Tyndale’s efforts have afforded him great acclaim in and amidst the scholars of this country and others, as having played a large role in the formulation and shaping of the English language, and written word that we use today, and rely on in America to establish and uphold the laws, and educating principles which govern this great nation.

During the expansion of America’s birth in the 1770’s, there was another gentleman who arose, and quite possible holds the record for the bestselling book in print in America’s history; “Common Sense” which is still in circulation to this current day. That man’s name was Thomas Paine; one of America’s most influential writers and spoke persons regarded for the “Revolutionary War” period.

Thomas Paine’s book; “Common Sense” - was initially published anonymously, on January 10th, 1776 simply signed; “Written by an Englishman.”

In fact, the first editions were centrally focused around the biblical influence of the Bible, and went on to sell 120,000 copies in the first 3 months, 500,000 copies in the first year, and was documented as having 25 editions made available to the early colonists in the first year alone.

Thomas Paine donated his royalties to George Washington’s Continental Army, stating: “As my wish to serve an oppressed people, and assist in a just and good cause, I conceived that the honor of it would only be promoted by my declining to make even the usual profits of an author.”

Unequivocally, history affords us the privilege to explore the works, efforts, and courage of those before us, and I cannot think of three men whereby America could’ve profited more in the establishment of every written document which followed, nor in the formulation of the civil liberties, and freedoms this nation was built upon.

Certifiably, our forefather’s were very intellectual, literate, and quite insightful. As a direct result of their effort’s; everyone who now lives in America, still enjoys the civil liberties and freedom’s established by the blood, sweat, and tears of those before us, and their literary accomplishments found especially in; “The Declaration Of Independence”, as well as the long list of amendments found in the “Constitution Of The United States Of America”, including, but not limited to the “1st Amendment.”

With all due fairness to the quote-unquote; nonbelievers, or those who elect to worship a god or gods other than the “One” depicted in the Holy Bible’s pages, I sincerely feel this is an issue of both; respect, and this country’s heritage, moreover that of a 10,000 year old debate concerning the ominous mystery(s) surrounding the wisdoms found in any one book, or the name God itself.

Personally, any act which defies the established heritage of this country should be viewed as an act of treason, and no level of ignorance, offense, nor disrespect to not knowing one’s own America’s history should ever reach the level of debate that this issue is undergoing, amongst several similar attacks being formulated by minority groups in today’s societal disconnection to values, principles, and virtues.

Hypothetically, if I were to decide to vacate my homeland, and move to Italy per se, whereas the vast majority of native people elected to defend their country’s heritage, or even held respectively to the established religious practices, principles, and virtues of their forefather’s, I would never be so rude as to imply, I was offended because my personal beliefs varied, or differed from theirs.

Understandably, we live in a nation which professes; “Liberty and Justice for All.”

And to disagree with the aforementioned; I too would be a bigot, or a hypocrite.

In paraphrasing our country’s first President of the United States; George Washington, he once stated; “Show me a country that has lost their spiritual principles and virtues, and I’ll show you a country on the verge of defeat!”

Simply put, irregardless of anyone’s individual beliefs, or what percentage of American’s still elects to believe and uphold the knowledge and wisdom found in the “Good Book”, I feel we have an obligation to our heritage; to maintain certain virtues and principles in this country, despite the fact it may offend the minority, or those opposed to God or the Holy Bible.

Clearly, nobody is going to be so devastated having to “swear in” on the Bible as a mandated issue, simply because they don’t believe in God, unless they are insanely absent to the fact that the Bible is one of the oldest pieces of literature in the world, let alone largely responsible for the establishment of America, and her 233 years of history.

Perhaps some may not agree, and in my opinion if you’re in a court of law to begin with, the majority of the time; you’ve either committed a crime, have registered to vote as a citizen of this great nation and been selected for jury duty, or you are there giving ‘sworn’ testimony to the truth, or being asked to weigh the ‘truth’ as a deciding member or witness to said proceedings.

Therefore, with any, and all absolution, I am highly offended this country has lost so much in the way of our virtues, principles, and respect for the heritage of this great nation, that I myself feel with the utmost conviction, if we sacrifice anymore? -we will be defeated from the inside out, and the outside threat will mean little or nothing!

Without going into a rant regarding the current state of this nation, I find it less than patriotic when we allow any minority group to offset the majority. Especially, while we are visibly able to see the very principles and virtues of our Western Democracy and Western Philosophy being chipped away at, which were initially solid, and established to provide, protect, and uphold freedoms, for the people, by the people.

Hence, “We the People” need to step it up, and start doing our due diligence to preserve and protect that which can still be recognized as America, or we ourselves may suffer a similar fate as that of the Roman Empire, or perhaps even the very Indians that were greatly affected by the coming of the white man to America back in the 1600’s.

Not exactly a pleasant thought. Nor be it one that I condone, support, or welcome.

However, if we continue to contribute to the minority groups, with little or no concern for the long-term repercussions, then we can only blame ourselves, if America is getting harder and harder to recognize as a result.

As for me and mine, I’ll swear to God on my life, and in knowing what I’ve witnessed in and throughout this lifetime, I’d be willing to bet; the real reward awaits, as does the truth, and I like my forefather’s am continuing my search, and explorations in seeking true freedom.

In closing, perhaps the problem has become greater than the solution, for as I see it, I don't need a debate to respect our country, our heritage, our forefathers, the Bible, or the courts, and the established ceremonial practices of this great nation.

In fact, swearing; "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the help me God!" - Should be mandatory as common sense, not an issue up for debate by any intellectual nation, especially America!

May God Bless Us All! (Certainly it couldn’t hurt if He did!)
Art Moran & Family

Friday, May 15, 2009

"Times Threshold"

(Above Picture: Salvador Dali')

Over the past 6-7 years, my immediate family (wife, and 3 kids) have been experiencing a rash of difficulties, centrally focused around humility, suffering, and loss.

I'm not going to bore you some dramatic details, or anything, don't worry!

However, we elected to believe that everything has a balance, a threshold, or a breaking point, whereby, regardless of how bad things tend to get, we feel they will balance themselves out. In fact, as with every known force in our universe there has to be a positive and a negative force to perpetuate, or fuel every living object in and amist our world.

Sadly, while trying to endure these forces, and correct upon them when we are able, there intrudes the ellusive measure of time itself. Without question, it establishes a marker to keep track, or bookmark our lives.

Incredibly, over the past 16 months now, we have consistently believed; time heals all wounds, and change, and opportunity will present itself in due time. By human nature this appeared a logical, and rational approach, in keeping our heads held high, and not fearing any more trauma to befall us, naturally.

Respectively, I am not at liberty to disclose specific events, regarding names, or the details surrounding these events as time has proven we are going to be forced to seek legal action regarding these current affairs.

Affairs mind you, that challenge the civil liberties, freedoms, and beliefs of this great nation, and effectively, if not stopped by Yours Truly could allow or enable another person, or a families lives to become disrupted in a similar fashion as that of ours, in this very moment of time.

As an honest man, and a proud American, I must admit, that whilst I am guilty having believed opportunity would present itself, and enable this rather diabolical nightmare I am living to be subsided, or reconciled, time has now proven me wrong, and demands my immediate attention.

As with anything worth fighting for, this concerns all that is sacred to me, and crosses the thresholds of my beliefs in First, in God (I TRUST), secondly, my children and immediate family, and lastly ones livelihood, as 2 of these areas have been largely disrupted by the vile actions, empty promises, and deceitful nature of 2fellow American citizens, whom we believed were respectible, honest, and well... loyal to American virtues & values.

Not everything we see, hear, or that touches us is what it appears. When I say 'touches' I mean metaphysically or spiritually, not necessarily physical touching. Be it the case here. Whilst, I am in the fight of my life, and and bits and pieces of TRUTH have surfaced revealing a much darker side to the 2 individuals currently surpressing my family, they've managed to convince us for some 16 months that their intentions are indeed unselfish and sincere.

Time reveals again, that we are dealing with a double-headed snake. A snake mind you that has cost us a far greater amount then the near $100k we've sacrificed while being led to believe we were doing the 'right' thing.

In any and or all absolution, I am gathering 'spiritual warriors' to assist me in this battle, as it's become apparent, I can not defeat this demon alone. Naturally, dependent upon one's interpretation, I am referring to these 2 people, whom in my belief are serving the opposite power I serve.

Without being to biblical, they are those types of people who will look you in the eyes, promise you the world, whilst they are stripping everything from you. Now mind you, I'm not perfect, nor have I been very angelic for a large portion of my life, but, I admit my faults, attempt to acknowledge ignorance, and correct upon it when I am able.

I actually poke fun at a similar quote in one of my ongoing manuscripts, stating; "I try not to raise Cain, when I am Abel!"

I think it speaks for itself.

However, imagine someone threatening the welfare of your children, and by the time you realized how maniacle these people were, you find yourself painted into a corner. Betterstill, imagine surrendering everything you've worked for believing it would benefit your children, while asking for nothing in return, and then being offered a job making $250k per year, Only, by the time suspicion creeps in, you've surrendered other job opportunities ranging from $35-$60k in a dyer economy, only to later realize, "these people aren't right!"

This is a mild overview of what my fiance', our 3 children, and myself have been enduring for some 16 months and counting. Our friends, and people who are aware of what's going on all have opinions, or suggestions, and yet, their suggestions lack insight, as many have said; "call the cops!"

Ironically, even if the cops could or did do something about it, it doesn't resolve the real issue, which has now financially, psychologically, and perhaps spiritually to a degree disabled us as a trusting family unit, and productive U.S. citizens..

Sure, if you read my sight you'll see...Patrick Henry's awesome display of courage and character, as well as a ton of armorment against any infraction of ignorance which is clouding our judgment as people of this great nation and beyond.

Certifiably, as I draw near the front lines, and "break my silence" to exploit, expose, and fight ignorance, in a manner which I believe is "fighting the good fight' it's become inarguable that the polar opposite rises against such efforts, and might very well explain why this is now happening to our family.

Having undergone extreme battles of similar fashion in and throughout my life, I am no stranger to suffering, and elect to believe it is love's backdoor. We open ourselves to love, and with it comes a pain like no other. I am 100% proof positive nearly everyone has experienced this, and if not for those who haven't had the pleasure, brace yourselves.

The battles I've conquered prior such as; alcoholism, drug-addiction, gambling, and some other areas whereby I followed others seeking sustainment only to find myself trapped, don't hold a candle to the current situation I find myself in.

Looking through times threshold, or hour glass, I find everything happens for a reason, and I am adament to uphold my theory that if we face the skeletons in our closets (or graveyards full in my case) we can arm ourselves with the knowledge of old, and use time to our advantage.Having been one for years to ignore the real problem, and place blame upon everything from others, Satan, and even God, I found it was less exhausting to accept fault, humility, and the embarrassment, for the strength that we can gain from such a process; is IMMEASURABLE!

In closing, I am cautiously, dealing with this issue, and intend to follow up on the outcome once I assemble God's warrior's, and obtain the spiritual guidance needed, for had I not learned from prior mistakes that you cannot defeat ignorance by beating it with a stick, the me and my old friend, Luios Ville "Slugger" would have remediated this problem months ago. However, I cannot raise my children from within a cell!

In closing, be it known, I did not write this seeking pity, nor sympathy, not at all. Instead, I want my fellow Americans to be aware that we are up against forces in this world, that no matter how caring you are, how much you love your family, your significant other, or especially your children (as is the case here) be warned, when you step-up to do the right thing, all too often the opposing forces get rattled as a result...But don't fret, good will prevail!

Be it you face it head on, and never let your past trap in performing a self-evaluation. There's a lot to be learned in facing ones fears, just don't try to run when you confront them, cause they'll only grow, and dibilitate you worse as times threshold bekons.

As is so with our freedom, it like time is of the essence...don't waste it!

As for these 2 people to whom I cannot mention, say a silent prayer for them, as once I get them shackled to man's arena "The Judicial System" their act of terrorism upon me and mine will never touch another American family, not on my watch!

If only people meant it when they say;"you watch my back, and I'll watch yours!" - Well, I do mean it, and I'll follow Satan straight to Hell to make sure he gets home safely, with the confidence of a pheonix, rises from the ashes, for my final destination is ON HIGH BABY!

Like the gentleman on the plane during 9-11, "Let's Roll People" - our lives and others are at stake. Stop turning a blind eye to ignorance, exploit it, exposeit, and bury it where the bullshit belongs, this is still America, and I'm still a cultivator, and I know; bullshit is meant to be buried, and in doing so your harvest shall prosper.

Words of wisdom? - or am I all alone out here?

Peace be with You & Yours!


Art Moran & Family (Pearson Education)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Tate Publishing LLC - AWriter's Dream?

~Built-In GPS~

As the title of my other blog site; Way Out Wisdoms ( the initials "W.O.W." I am almost devastated as to how awesome things align, and are laid upon our path like breadcrumbs for us to navigate our way to a higher calling.

Today, my wife; Terri was browsing videos, playing around on the net, and stumbled upon a gentleman's blog. She then reads a portion of his walk, and his bio, and finds an eerie similarity to Yours Truly.

He too was a writer, and his description of writing in itself is equal to, if not almost exacting to my experience, with the exception he's published and successful, whereas, I am digging myself out from beneath the wreckage, and the carnage of 6 years of this festering, and rather uncontrolled passion for writing.

While, I mean not write a bio of my own, it lead to me reading his, and clicking a link, which took me to Tate Publishing.

As my wife, friends, and a few complete strangers have had the pleasure to be entertained by some of my works, they center around equality, educating ourselves, abolishing ignorance, and the attributes associated to the pestilence abroad stalling our individual growth, and forward movement toward achieving the 'essence' of freedom.

In short, I didn't plan to share this rather personal information, but my insatiable appetite for writing began after a 'spiritual encounter' some 6 years prior. In my own confusion, this scared me, as I was generally a very honest, yet rather apathetic person by nature.

Ever since the transformation began 6 years ago, my writings have taught me to a degree, whereby, many of the items I found myself writing about were of no interest, nor had I any formal training, schooling, or remote understanding of their deeper seeded meaning, or messages.

In truth, this still kinda haunts me to this very moment, as I am perplexed to imagine; "Who's gonna listen, or better still, read what I have to share?"

In reflection, I had always had a fondness for the arts, regarding paintings, drawings, graphics, and of course as technology now presents computer animations, artwork, and phenomenal visual depictions of a vast multitude of creative and insightful minds.

But, entering the work force, fueling the standard 'capitalistic' desires, I abandoned my childhood dream of ever becoming and artist, or so I had thought.

Somehow, it was always there. Even for the 16 years while I was a self-employed swimming pool sub-contractor, freelancing my abilities to build, design, construct,renovate, and repair fountains, hot tubs, waterfalls, and lastly commercial and residential pools, the artist in me was thriving, though I didn't really know it.

Everything from the trenching for which the pipe would lay, I would meticulously ensure they were carved in near perfection. In fact, many people would laugh at me, and ask; "Art...Who cares what the trenches, or piping looks like, it's going to be buried in dirt, no ones ever gonna see it, or care either way!"

My response; "I care! The customer is paying top dollar for quality workmanship, and so then they deserve the best."

Ironically, to my own humility, almost everyone of my competitor's and friends in the biz' were making 2-3X the money I was making, because they were 'slapping' their work together, solely focusing on the 'prize'-MONEY!

Despite having billed more than double on a per job per dium than them, and earning a respectable rep in the industry as one of the best in the trade, I was going broke, while they were getting rich!

My point being, although the experience was great, and to this day I have fresh ideas, and an endless imagination for building exquisite works concerning waterfalls, lighting, hot tubs, cave style lagoon's and backyard paradises, it was the artist in me that made the experience less a chore, and fun. Regardless of the money!

The trip of this journey, led me to Tate Publishing, which I've since requested more information regarding publishing, but literally blows my mind how it left me to question; "accident? or "fate?"

I'm leaning towards the latter, as I do not believe in accidents, therefore; everything happens for a reason. I found the Tate Publishing Site so welcoming, that I thought it needed to be shared. Below in my 'favorites link's a link directed you to their home page. If you are a writer, and a person who maintains a Higher faith, and your seeking publishing, I recommend checking them out.

Meanwhile, I am working on a series of chapters of a manuscript right now, whereby, I am intending to post pieces, or perhaps a few chapters here, before submitting it to Tate Publishing, LLC.

In closing, I suggest reading all the information on their site thoroughly, as I elected to include them in my blog purely out of respect, having done so myself. Hence, I have no direct affiliation with them, but if my heart is correct, based on the positive vibe I received this morning leading me to them... then, I expect to be publishing with them in the near future.


Art Moran

P.S.- "If your eyes are open to your hearts true desires,you, like I will be guided accordingly"

~Poetic Explorations~ Part 1of 3


Awakened by the echoes as the thunder reverberates off the Earth’s crest, trembling as the madness of my methodology screams; a dream of unity, yet the epic message falls upon deafened ears.

Afraid to open my mouth, for if I allow my frustrations to speak, then so goes a touch of anger, outclassing my persona, as the real me remains hidden behind a fortress wrought by Yours Truly, constructed to withstand any threat; mental, physical, spiritual, financial, or by way of any animalistic attack!

Standing alone, as the bell tolls, time freezes, stops & stalls, as space becomes void, and all that’s been promised remains broken, undelivered, and obstructs the white canvas I once admired, and paints a dark portrait of a cold, and vile world, full of unwelcomed intrusions.

Tired, I step back, absorbing the silence, seeking council from no one, as everyone’s running amuck with blood covered hands, and a story of how little they did wrong, while everyone knows; the answers I seek rarely require direct questioning, but are acquired by silent observations conducted using the formula’s of old.

The recipes may change as do the names, whilst the appetite remains, feeding, feasting, hunting, and seeking something, anything that might sustain, satisfy, or substantiate meaning, purpose, or significances’ rightful claim.

An inheritance, a stock, a share, a price we all must pay by birthright, in a conquest to fill the mysterious, yet, ever present void within, that which seldom vacates our being, regardless of how much, or how little we acquire in the course of our lives, in a second, a minute, hour, week, month, or even in the course of a year!

It’s physical, psychological, philosophical, spiritual, metaphysical; no doubt! – But we lace up the gloves, shoveling shit from our mouths, until someone comes along and delivers a perplexing blow to our groin, our ego, or even knock’s us the f..k out!

Expeditions consisting of acquisitions blinding our eyes, deafened by the intelligence we all possess, cause we become impaled by depravity, denial, and whispers of fear delivered in the reflections of humanity’s infectious pestilence, to wit, we weigh everyone, everything, on some elaborately constructed 10,000 year old rendition of scales, that don’t, and NEVER did exist!

Collegic explorations cannot equate, only subliminally rate the genius of others who’ve crossed the thresholds of sanity’s realm, returning to all whom swore that they had lost it, or had nothing left to offer, take, rip, rob, explore, or rape!

There’s truly no degree, or level of intelligent means to determine, measure, weigh, nor substantiate the infinite acclamation of information made available for us to acquire, nor obtain, concerning understanding, knowledge, and glimpses of wisdom, or the treasures that separate us from our apathetic nature’s during an empathetic transformation taking place, in people everywhere, around the globe, as time heals all, no matter, no mind, no time to waste; not at all.

Concoctions of poetic expression centered in the canvas, as these colors don’t run, and no double-headed, split tongued serpent, adder, lion, nor snake can penetrate these wings, to wit, my family and I remain shadowed under, upon, by, in, and as, a direct response to our perverse, bold, and profound investment into a Higher Power, a higher faith, and ominous presence, guiding our final destination, our resting place, and ultimately; our fates.

Flipping the switches as the pathetic infuse, imbue, and attempt to integrate themselves in their selfish indiscretions, cynical hospitalities, desires of flesh driven euphoria, and sinister devotion to superficial or monetary gains, and the festering nature of seeking false empowerment, concerning misdirected principles, whilst becoming entangled by a web of infamy, that their greed driven arachnid phobia has sewn, as they exchange one exterior prison for another internal depravity wrought – written cage!

No barriers!

The ‘essence’ of freedom, it’s both evident, yet elusive since mankind began, need I write it? Speak it? Buy it? Or Sell it? -when we all know right from wrong?
Yet, whom ever elected to have the pleasure to strip the soil, and cultivate are seemingly gone. Now that chore has been purchased by predators who’ve groomed themselves like pompous tools to the likes of mushrooms; keeping us in the dark, and feeding us bullshit for far too long!

I can write it in a conundrum, a riddle, a rhyme, a eulogy, a testament, a will, a contract, a song, in any format; oral, poetic, even prose, but I don’t suppose, it would be as well receipted as that to which I can write it in a language even a four-year old knows!

Homer the Greek poet, to Einstein’s; “Theory Of Relativity” his mathematical genius interpretations using numbers, as so to, Isaac Newton’s; “Theory of Motion” is all the same either way, “The Writing’s On The Wall”, I’ve read the signs, visited the library of endless imagination, that place Aristotle spoke of; “Metaphysics”, and shares the same stock as that of Eastern Philosophy’s, like; Budda, to the Western civilizations, the life of Christ, and all points between, stored housed in the Akashic records.

Clearly, the stock I hold is not superficially wrought, nor meant for me to keep, as it’s a gift, a treasure, a storehouse of wisdoms, I; myself do not feel worthy of, as I’m left to question; “What is right anymore?”

Still… I stand, neutral, in the balance, between Heaven and Hell, on the front lines, I close my eyes, and I see angels and devils laughing, and dancing together, as I attempt to interpret these masterful revelations into words, whilst I feel I’ve known all along; that it requires a negative and a positive to motor everything, everywhere, just to be, just to live, as does the forces of energy, electricity, and the secrets of the universe linger in the midst; whilst we; human beings, argue ourselves to death, attempting to establish the status quo!

“Who Am I?”- They ask.

“Who the fuck are you?”- I wonder.

Just as Roger Daultry cried out in the ‘Who’s’ still ever present wisps of wisdom infecting the airwaves on radios around the globe, spanning 8-tracks, albums, cd’s, dvd’s, and currently through internet downloads and MP3’s.

Many of us don’t know!

Others are living to die, and others are dying to live.

Blinded we run, and deaf we are all, I suppose.

If only equality wasn’t divided, segregated, obstructed, and obscured by the influences of arrogance, egos, pessimisms, judgmental bias regard, and pestilence!

Paraphrasing; President Eisenhower; “Lead, Follow, or get out of the damn way!”

It’s a similar notion I share, but even still people…

There is no quick fix, no cure, no magic pill, nor liver plaguing potion… not even sex, gambling, psychiatry, or anti-depressant, nor a single prescription - approved by the FDA (That do more harm than good!) is going to save us. Yet, our pharmaceutical dependencies far exceed our reliance on foreign oil, or any one threat from any one fanatical religious creed abroad, including the Middle East, or Osama Bin Laden!

The canon I bear in the left of my chest, is armed with truth, and begs for escape, as my pen gently glides, bleeding page after page.

An artist’s escape?


Escape Artist?

I cannot say, for to let my passion go will expose me exploit me, increasing the demands upon me, which is not why I write!

The words take on a life of their own, as I am sewn, interwoven, trapped in this tranquil medative expedition, to wit, there’s no beginning, nor end!

Here I am me, I am whole, I am in awe, stricken innocence of wholeness and peace, as my own mind becomes stimulated, fascinated, and impart confused as to the source, the origin, in which this passion finds me, leaving me to question; “are these words as true as they feel?” or are they “fake?”

I don’t know!

To increase my following is to also sure to increase my enemies, and having witnessed, envisioned, preconceived, these premonitions intrude, revelations, I do not control, understand, comprehend, nor might I ever feel so worthy to be able to honor, or single-handedly uphold!

After all, what might I ever truly hope?

Might I only hope and pray I’ll be so kind, to leave behind, a promise from the base, to the top of life’s mountain, for when I do eventually make the seemingly impossible climb, and post a flag flying high, in honor of my namesake, and of course, to God; Jesus Christ, let that be a marker to denote, and divulge; who I was, and where I’d been, so as one, or a million can see, it indeed can, and will be done, by anyone with faith, courage, and tenacity!

End Part 1 of 3

(To Be Continued)

Just as soon as my lazy ass decides to type the rest!

Peace Out!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

"God's Pawn" ~ Poem

~God's Pawn~

If I must humble myself to succumb to being God's pawn in an unruly game of chess,

So be it!

Let my humility serve as both a weapon and a tool, in bringing it forthwith.

For if so, should this war be taken to the king and queen's front door,
then at least I know, I played my part in fighting for something pure.

Because in the end, the measure of a man is not bought with gold, but sweat...
by overcoming fear for peace and love, remains the true virtues of success.

Thus, I take my rightful place in the name of truth, to defend the oppressed,

Rise to this occasion one and all, with love in thy heart, dear you not fret,

Truly, all us pawns in number outweigh all the kings and queens, over all God's green Earth!

Learn more about this author,and writings: Ethos (Art Moran - Pen Name)

Peace Out,
Art M.

Religious 550x480

Monday, May 4, 2009

Who Am I?

I am no more a poet, nor artist, than I am a no-bull truth. I am a spoof, aloof in a conquest to appease my hungry soul. I am ugly, as the world has labeled me so. I am no more a scientist, then I am fascinated by the ominous mysteries abroad. I am a writer, a smoker, a sinner entwined. I am a 37 year old child inside, and of sort. In a moment, I am of mind, body, and soul, whereas, I am constantly challenged, even perplexed to understand why the three cannot get along. I am cynical, and infused with thoughts of anger and lust. From murder to orgy's, I am a 'free-thinker' whose mind has been enticed by it all.
I am a student determined not to stand corrected by teachers who profess they know all. I am a believer in a higher power, but repulsed by many who abuse the sacred understanding of old. I am conflicted, constricted, and confounded, wadded up in a fetal position, - scared shit less of the abuses I've been inflicted with, without provocation, merit, nor any truth at all. I am blackened on the outside, when my internal light burns ever-bright.But then I am black on the inside when I am insulted for having been born white. I am a son, and a father. I am a friend to one, and the enemy to another over whom I long to devastate, abuse, and devour!

I am imperfect, this much I know. Yet, I am bent on ideals and seeking all which my hands may never lay hold. I am living to die, while I am dying to just live. I am a giver, a taker, and all points between. I am a traveler, alone in a world I do not know. I am accepted by one, and then denounced of my throne. I am a servant, a follower, a mere laborer of sort. I am afraid to let loose my imagination, my talents, for to do so, then I am sure my passions will be enslaved, tripped up, and imprisoned of course. My love is a chore I am lazy to accept.

I am fueled by fire, enticed by evil, and I am also at the product at times of it's alluring grip. I am forgiving, patient, and tolerant in one hand. Yet, I am completely fed up the next. I am love and hate all balled up in one.I am bent on immortalizing my efforts in time, to leave behind my troubled mind, my sufferings, and all I've documented for another to find.I am tired, growing weary, scary, and offensive. I am sick of this nightmare, cause my dreams have no end, nor measure, means, or mode - should I invest my hope to obtain!

I am raped, ravished, beat down, broken, victimized, and abused. But, I am not sure what is best, better bet, I am impart grateful to have survived the beatings I've took. I am pride, I am true. I am the epitome of everyone, everything, and every place which has touched me, whether by welcomed acceptance, denial, intrusion, or by my own amuse. I am entertained. I am sadly misconceived. I am the ultimate recipe of old ingredients formulated to flavor your tongue.

I am the ringing in your ears, the whispering voice you remember from the past. I am at peace. I am at rest. I am free to roam to and fro, upon this rock called earth. I am impart good, yet equally evil! I am fond of beauty, and equally intimidated by it too. I am someones dream. I am anothers nightmare.I am deathly in need of socks, undies, and a new pair of shoes! I am broke in the moment, not a penny to abuse.

I am laughing because I am filthy rich in spirit. With courage I allowed everyone to steal my things, whilst they afforded me the silent truth, the strength missing in all of you. I am a dog. I am a bitch. I am the leash that leads you, feeds you, and the master who makes you dance on my strings. I am the jester entertaining kings. I am Daniel, my interpretations fall on deaf ears. I am the lost who's been found longing to let go.

I am the recipient of divine messages, to wit, I haven't the strength, nor the ability to deliver, nor transcend. I am speechless, teachless, turning a deaf ear. I am struck silent - for fear I might speak! I am a travel agent - come book a flight. I am the eagle who sees through your weakness, and feeds on your strength. I am the line drawn in the sand, the one that starts with the word birth, and ends with death!

I am the matter, pay me no mind. I am the philosophically twisted linguist who's able to blow your fucking mind with a riddle, conundrum, or rhyme. I am sorry for being an asshole, while according to some I am the piece of shit this time.

I am full of ambition, intentions, and love. I am a slave to sex, and my selfish indiscretions, and the spawn thereof. I am the arch angel fighting the diabolical evil hordes.Then I am confronted by the red-dragon seeking vengeance and ownership over my soul.I am the welder of the sword found in my hand, but have no use for it, as I am the know.I am aware my pen holds more power than the bloodied edges of my tongue. I am too tired to raise the finger too which I receive the answers to thoughts, but never needed be spoken out.

I am one. I am the division Jesus spoke of. I am the principle interests of mathematical norms. Hence, I am to believe; multiplication is the exacting infraction of the divided abroad. I am tired of writing. I am the soliloquy, the aesthetic values thereby, and thereof. I am not for sale. But, I am the wind which blows wisdom's into the ship's sails, as I've chartered the oceans blue. I am a sound man, I love to listen and be harmoniously infused by the ambiance-like embrace of the echoes I've long forgotten about back in the daze of amniotic fluid.

I am the drop-out on a mission to prove; education is an equation not learned in books. I am the experience, the breath of life in the valley of dry bones. I am the whipping boy who courageously forgives the flogging, of the anger, as it escaped by my father's Vietnam wrought belt. I am the alcoholic drowning his sorrow, as I am seeking to escape, whilst pissing away tomorrow.

I am and have been all these things, but if you hear me, then feel me - cause we're all the same! I am the equality - the balance I am. I am never finished, nor yet begun, never ending, and already gone!
Don't you get it? - Don't you see? - Can anyone hear me? Does anyone out there feel they don't belong here like me?
For I am an alien trapped on this rock, locked in this skin, yet still... I don't feel that I've lived! I am whatever I choose! Love it, like it, hate it, just leave me fucking be! For all the while I believe in you all, still you patronize me by your arrogant displays of conformity!

Even still, despite all the labels, scales, and societal bliss, I am FREE above all else, and to think, I wrote this without a single thought, effort, or concern for what anyone say? does? or thinks?

Peace Out, Stop by again, next time it'll be something, but not poetry!

Art M.

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